Exploring citizenship in 21st century New Zealand | The Salvation Army

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Exploring citizenship in 21st century New Zealand

a woman with nz flag painted on face
Posted August 23, 2019

Ever since 37 AD when the early disciples met in Jerusalem, the church has gathered in council to discern the workings of the Spirit. Between 1962 and 1965, in that time-honoured tradition, all the bishops of the Catholic Church gathered in Rome for Vatican II, a Council to reflect on the church in the modern world. During that assembly, the bishops declared young people to be the “hope of the church” Gravissimum Educationis.

Following that fine teaching, the organising team of Just Action 2019 conference is offering a series of youth-themed events at the conference.

Just Debate will see cadets from Booth College of Mission go head to head on a provocative but timely topic, 'A vegetarian diet is the appropriate response for Christians who care for all of creation’. The debate, chaired by noted environmental and biblical ethicist, Dr Andrew Shepherd, will be held on Tuesday 1 October at 7-9pm, entry by koha and supper provided!

The two other evening events may also be of interest to young people. On same Tuesday as the debate, at 5.30-6.30pm there will be a policy forum on Christian citizenship in the 21st century. The former SPPU policy analyst, Alan Johnson, will speak and there will be a panel discussion chaired by Dr Simon Chapple (Director, Institute for Governance & Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington). The panel will consist of Dr Esther Cowley-Malcolm (independent researcher and educator) + Prof Ngaire Kerse (Joyce Cook Professor of Ageing Well, Auckland University) + Dr Bryce Wilkinson (Senior Fellow, New Zealand Initiative).

Then on Wednesday 2 October, 5.30-7.30pm, there will be a screening of the film Celia, about noted prisons campaigner, Celia Lashlie, featuring a Q&A with the filmmaker, Amanda Millar.

Entry to the evening events for young people is by koha (pay whatever you can) and you don't need to have registered for the full conference, just turn up for the evening events that suit you.

If you want to attend the full conference, you are very welcome. The conference fee for young people and those who are unwaged is $100 for the full two days and you can register here. The venue is Wellington City Corps, 92 Vivian Street.