Levin Salvation Army opens way for women in a new spiritual season | The Salvation Army

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Levin Salvation Army opens way for women in a new spiritual season

Posted October 29, 2020

Major Colleen Marshall serves and worships at The Salvation Army Levin Corps, and writes to tell us of all the ways women are gathering for a new spiritual season this Spring! From beautiful times of prayer to restorative messages, the Spirit ministered in a fresh way. Read Colleen's inspirational summary of their two women's ministries events in 2020.

The Salvation Army Women’s Ministries at Levin Corps have held two inspiring events within the past two weeks.

The Salvation Army Levin Women’s Retreat

The seventh Salvation Army Levin Women’s Retreat was held on 2-4 October at MiCamp Christian Camp, Mission Bay. Superbly organised by Corps Sergeant Major Debra Bishop and Steph Brown, this event was attended by forty women. The age range of participants was from 16 – 80+ years, and we were all one in Christ.

Intergenerational events are a strength of Levin Corps. The setting, accommodation and food were excellent. A highlight of the retreat was our guest speaker, Captain Jenny Collings from The Salvation Army Hamilton Corps, who brought four inspirational sessions:

  • Being Changed
  • Being Challenged
  • Being Cherished
  • through the Cross of Jesus

This series was accompanied by a booklet, activities and time to share spiritual reflection in pairs. At the final worship session, a deep work of grace and restoration took place for many women as they realised wounds of the past could be healed and sealed through the love of Jesus and gentle ministry of the Holy Spirit. This was likened to the Japanese art of Kintsugi, where broken pottery is restored using a golden sealer to become a beautiful work of art. The thought that Christ died on the cross because of our value was a challenge to be grappled with! 

Throughout the weekend there was a balance of hilarity and powerful teaching, worship and recreation, crafts and opportunity for testimony, sharing and building deeper relationships. Gifts throughout the weekend included beautiful journals with a personalised prayer for each participant, small crosses, a goody box, a book, decorated terracotta pots, and a large decorative wall hanging of driftwood and silk flowers. The support given to Jenny by Bev Parkinson and Captain Mere Gatarua (Midlands Divisional Headquarters) was excellent and represented the Levin Corps' mission partnership with Suva Central Corps.

The Salvation Army Levin Spring Rally

The annual Spring Rally took place on 29 September with many women from corps around Central Division among the 140 present.

The auditorium was abuzz as the women gathered, and the platform was beautifully bedecked in blossom with even a little pet lamb adding to the atmosphere! Major Julie Cope from The Salvation Army Upper Hutt was our guest speaker, with an inspiring talk on ‘The wonder of spring’. Young Salvationist Italy Collings delighted everyone with two solos. Local Home League member Cheryal Wither shared with vivid photos onscreen of spring in Zimbabwe and the differences in seasons there. Major Glenys Fairhurst was introduced and welcomed on her first visit to Levin in her new Divisional Director of Women's Ministries role.

A variety of stalls attracted interest prior to the rally, men served a great morning tea and good fellowship was enjoyed, especially after so many events being cancelled through COVID this year. A huge thanks to Marlene Dunsmore, Home League Secretary and her team who hosted and organised the successful event.