Flexible fund to help homeless welcomed | The Salvation Army

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Flexible fund to help homeless welcomed

Posted July 29, 2016

Social Housing Minister the Hon. Paula Bennett’s announcement of $9 million in a flexible fund to support people in severe housing need is very welcome says Lieut-Colonel Ian Hutson, Director of The Salvation Army’s Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit.

“We want as an organisation to be proactive in providing a range of supports to help people get into housing, and once in housing not to be evicted.  This fund will be a great support in providing these services.”

The Salvation Army in South Auckland was recently able to work with Housing New Zealand to help a number of social housing tenants remain in housing where they were facing eviction through anti-social behaviour, rent arrears or an inability to cope.  

The funding announced by the Minister today in the Better Housing Outcomes package enables the continuation and expansion of this activity.

“This is a win-win for everyone” said Major Pam Waugh, The Salvation Army’s Territorial Secretary for Social Services. “Housing New Zealand benefit by not having the cost of eviction and re-tenanting properties, families benefit by not being evicted and learning new skills in retaining tenancies, and the community benefits by increased stability.”

The Salvation Army is pleased that the Housing First package of $3 million announced today is built on a proven international programme that has been highly successful in ensuring that people first get into housing and then providing them with the required support to remain in stable housing long-term.