Jesus recycles | The Salvation Army

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Jesus recycles

Posted April 4, 2014

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We can learn a lot about how to live in this world from Jesus. For instance, Jesus clearly values the thrifty lifestyle. In John chapter six, Jesus is surrounded by a huge crowd of people intrigued by his growing reputation. Jesus asks Philip, one of his friends: ‘How are we going to feed all these people?’ And Philip rises to the bait: ‘Jesus! What are you thinking? It would take us almost a year’s wages just to give a little bread to all of these people!’

Andrew, another friend, then directs Jesus’ attention to a small boy who has five small loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus thanks God for this provision (we assume the boy was happy to share his lunch with Jesus) and then starts breaking the food into bite-sized portions. After everyone had eaten, Jesus says, ‘Gather up all that is left over. Let nothing be wasted.’

‘Let nothing be wasted.’ It’s a principle we learn from the life of Jesus. How much in this world do we make and consume that we don’t really need? How much do we replace simply because we’re obsessed with something newer and more modern? ‘Let nothing be wasted’—that’s the principle behind Lucy AitkenRead’s ‘Wonderthrift’ philosophy, this edition’s cover story.

Of course, Jesus is also in the business of helping people recycle their lives. We see a lot of this in The Salvation Army. People come through our doors without much hope, only to discover they have a second chance at life. Sometimes that’s after we help them break free from the despair of addiction, debt or unemployment. But for many others, it’s the recycled life that follows when someone turns to God that proves most life-changing. None of us is ever so broken or damaged as to be worthless. God sees immense value in everyone.

Recycled by God and for God. It’s a great thing to see and an even greater thing to experience.

Christina Tyson

Bible Verse

Luke 12:33-34 J.B. Phillips New Testament
‘… Get yourselves purses that never grow old, inexhaustible treasure in Heaven, where no thief can ever reach it, or moth ruin it. For wherever your treasure is, you may be certain that your heart will be there too!’

Ruka 12:34
‘Ko te wahi hoki i to koutou taonga, ko reira ano o koutou ngakau.’