Submission to the Health and Safety Reform Bill | The Salvation Army

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Submission to the Health and Safety Reform Bill

Posted April 16, 2014

> download Submission to the Health and Safety Reform Bill (PDF, 146KB)

The Salvation Army supports the intent of the proposed Health and Safety Reform Bill which aims to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces and is particularly supportive of the increased clarity around responsibilities, and the focus on leadership, accountability, and increased training.

In particular we are supportive of the:

  • increased clarity regarding PCBU (Persons in Control of a Business Undertaking) and officers/directors responsibilities (Clauses 30-39),
  • increased clarity around the H&S duties that multiple duty holders may have in the workplace (Clause 26),
  • focus on leadership, accountability, participation, continuous improvement
  • provision of information, education and training in relation to health and safety (Clause 3).

We are hopeful these changes will improve workplace health and safety for all New Zealanders.

Submission drafted by Libby Wilson with assistance from SPPU.