Submission to the Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill | The Salvation Army

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Submission to the Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill

Posted February 24, 2015

> Download Submission to the Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill (PDF, 280KB)

The Salvation Army supports some aspects of this Bill, specifically what constitutes a ‘demand service’ as per the new section 79B. However, we are opposed to other parts of the Bill. This will be discussed further below.

The Salvation Army believes that we have a strong professional and working relationship with the New Zealand Police and other justice sector agencies. For example, Salvation Army Community Ministry centres frequently work with Police and the Department of Corrections to have those serving community-based court appointed sentences serve in our food banks to prepare and provide food parcels. Also, Salvation Army services generally support the Police through offering advice, and the provision of specialised social services and food parcels for people referred to us by the Police.