Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry | The Salvation Army

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Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry

Posted December 11, 2014

> Download Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry (PDF, 391KB)

The Salvation Army understands the value of these types of inquiries. We have tried to respond to this inquiry as comprehensively as possible. However, we have made some important decisions that shape the content and style of this written submission. These are;

  • We have opted to not answer all of the Productivity Commission’s 56 questions. But we submit that our recorded responses will answer several of the Productivity Commission’s questions.
  • We have surveyed various National Directors and Principal Advisors of our Salvation Army Social Programmes to gather their responses on key areas that are relevant to the Commission’s areas of inquiry. These responses form the majority of our written submission.
  • Our intention is to provide comprehensive and direct responses to what we believe are the critical areas of inquiry. We believe our responses can help ensure that the social services sector is more effective, but also help ensure that realistic, honest, and direct feedback is given to government agencies.