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Who We Are

some Salvation Army officesr at Congress

We are no ordinary army. Since 1883, The Salvation Army has fought poverty and social and spiritual distress in New Zealand.

We’ve been there to help more than 120,000 families and individuals in need each year—with budgeting advice, food and clothing assistance, life skills programmes and other comfort and support. At The Salvation Army we are committed to our mission of caring for people, transforming lives and reforming society.

The Army’s work in over 130 countries is coordinated by our International Headquarters in London, which is the base for our international leader, General Lyndon Buckingham.

The Salvation Army has been transforming lives around the world since 1865. Find out more about our Salvation Army story

Full-time officers and employees, along with soldiers (church members) who volunteer their skills and expertise, provide our social and church-based services. The Army has over 3000 officers and employees in New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa and is recognised as a high-value employer.

  • The Salvation Army is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registered number CC37312. This means The Salvation Army is exempt from income tax. The Army also has Donee Status from IRD, meaning donations of $5 or more may qualify for a tax credit.


Those interested in becoming Salvation Army members can explore becoming a senior soldier or an adherent member. Children eight years of age and older are able to become junior soldiers.

  • Senior soldiers are Christians of at least 14 years of age who (with local approval) have been enrolled as a member of The Salvation Army after signing the Soldier’s Covenant.
  • Adherent members are Christians over 14 years of age who also want to make The Salvation Army their church home. An adherent makes particular statements of faith but does not make the promises listed in the Soldier’s Covenant.