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Adopting Families for Christmas

The Adopt a Family for Christmas Programme is an annual Christmas project we have the privilege to coordinate and be involved with.

The original concept was created by a group of lawyers from the Manukau courts who felt they and their families had lost the true spirit of Christmas, often exchanging gifts that were not needed or even appreciated.

This group approached our Salvation Army Court Officer and asked if she would find a family that they could provide for, to ensure they would experience a happy Christmas that many of us take for granted. A family was found and their first names, gender and ages were provided to the lawyers. They, in turn, went shopping for the family and provided individualised, wrapped gifts for each member of the family and a Christmas food hamper with all the trimmings that families generally enjoy on Christmas day.

Feedback from the lawyers stated that this was the best Christmas they had experienced for years; they felt the true spirit of Christmas had returned to them that year…

The family were overwhelmed that perfect strangers had thought of them at such a stressful time, especially as this family were experiencing extreme pressure simply trying to provide for their family.

The two groups never met. The lawyers delivered their hamper and gifts to the Salvation Army who in turn delivered the items to the family.

The Salvation Army continues to deliver this service between the donors and recipient families, all of whom have been involved with The Salvation Army in some way throughout the year.

If you are interested in participating in the Adopt a Family for Christmas Programme, please email Manukau Central Corps.