Business Appeals
Every year, The Salvation Army benefits from appeals run in collaboration with business partners, their customers and staff. You can design an appeal to suit your business or take part in our Salvation Army appeals. Businesses also now have the option of running a food collection appeal through The Foodbank Project.
For more information on running an appeal through your business, make contact with our team through the Partner With Us form.
The Salvation Army Appeals
The Salvation Army runs three appeals each year, Red Shield Appeal, Winter Appeal and Christmas Appeal. Each appeal raises much-needed funds for our services in communities in need and to raise awareness of the needs that exist and how The Salvation Army is working to meet those needs.
During these appeals, we engage our business partners through events such as The Red Shield Appeal Breakfasts, through in-store appeals such as Woolworths Winter Food Appeal and through volunteering oppurtunities such as collecting for our appeals or packing food parcels.
The Foodbank Project
The Foodbank Project is a not-for-profit, self-sustaining online shop that makes it easy for anyone to donate groceries to Kiwis in need. The first of its kind, The Foodbank Project was created in 2015 by The Salvation Army, Pocket Square and Woolworths as a way of pointing people to the most needed items for foodbanks. Donors chose from a range of products that are critically needed for food parcels either on a one-off or recurring donation basis. Woolworths receive the order and deliver it along with other orders to the nearest Salvation Army foodbank hub within the week.
In a first for a business partner, Grant Thornton offices have used The Foodbank Project to donate items for winter food parcels. Rather than collecting the items physically, their teams have been encouraged to give a special Grant Thornton Winter Bundle. Over a two-month period, more than 200 of the bundles were delivered to local foodbanks, and at the end of the appeal champions provided further support by volunteering time to pack food parcels.
The Foodbank Project is a great team activity for your staff and is also a tangible in-store customer appeal for those of you looking for a low maintenance option to support The Salvation Army.
Partner Appeals
Partner Appeals are designed to fit the needs of the business and are typically co-branded and run nationwide – aiming for both staff and customer engagement.
Below are example of Partner Appeals run throughout the year, some of which you may be familiar with due to their publicity.

Resene’s Annual Hunger For Colour is run throughout February in all Resene Colourshops and Resellers. The appeal asks customers to bring in a can in exchange for a free test pot of paint. Over four years the appeal resulted in over 150,000 cans of food donated to Salvation Army foodbanks. The appeal is designed to restock our food banks after two high-demand times (Christmas and back-to-school periods) and generates nationwide media attention for both Resene and The Salvation Army.

Warehouse Stationery Add a Dollar Appeal
Warehouse Stationery run two annual appeals for The Salvation Army – Back to School Appeal and Aspire Appeal. These appeals are “Add a Dollar” appeals, where customers are asked at checkout if they would like to add a donation with their purchase. Money from these appeals goes to providing school supplies for families struggling to meet the cost associated with returning to school at the start of the year, or towards our year long youth development program called Aspire.