Brianna’s Story

Food insecurity was a very real and pressing issue for mother of two, Brianna. Now she has hope for a bright future for herself and her family. 

‘Safe. That’s how I feel receiving regular food parcels from The Salvation Army. When I unpack the box, things are as they should be, there’s food in the cupboards and I can cook for my two sons.  

It’s a complete relief from the stress of worrying about how to provide food for that week. I’m good at making something out of nothing but there comes a point when it gets too much. 

Things are very hard for a lot of people right now, me included. It is hard to even live. Bills mount up. And food is just so expensive. People like me don’t want to be a statistic.  

Life was very stressful for me when I first asked for help. I had just moved from one coast to another, and I was pregnant. I had nothing to be honest. It was just me and my eldest son. I tried to pay my bills weekly, but I was struggling with car payments and the power bill. I asked my mum for help, but she wasn’t in the position to offer anything. 

I had gone to a Salvation Army church as a child, and I remembered how included I’d felt back then. So, I reached out to the Sallies and I was immediately welcomed. They offered me food and petrol money to get home so that I could set up my new place. It’s hard to explain the relief. After some time, I moved out of town to be with my baby’s father, but things didn’t work out and now I’m alone again, miles from anywhere.  

The food boxes have sustained me. I am just so grateful. Especially at Christmas which is such a stressful time of year. It takes a huge weight off your shoulders and brings warmth to your heart to have help. Christmas with my extended family used to be loud.  The last two have been quieter but joy is packed into that Christmas box.  

Being able to cook a Christmas dinner means the world. There was even pavlova! It was special to get gifts for the children too; I could choose one for each of the boys. We were also gifted a little teddy bear which my son has in his bedroom. It’s a nice reminder that we’re not alone.  

Stepping outside of your family and asking for help from strangers is hard. But sometimes, you have to do what’s hard to get a better outcome. I am looking for work and a new home back in town. It’s not an easy journey but the support of the Sallies gives me strength to keep on keeping on. I know everything will work out.’  

*name changed for privacy