This website has recently undergone substantial rebuilding. While we’ve worked to minimise disruptions, you may encounter some issues. We appreciate your patience during this transition.


  • 27March, 2024

    Not Just the Cross, but My Cross

    When I walk into a chapel for the first time, I always look for the cross. And when I find it, my eyes become fixed upon it, my mind is set on the sacrifice that Jesus poured out for me, and my heart is stirred with gratitude for the new...
  • 27July, 2023
    Salvation Army worker in the foodbank

    Welcome Home

    The Salvation Army in Queenstown serves a diverse international population. The shift to Te Kai Mākona, The Salvation Army’s new food security and sovereignty framework, was an easy yes for a team determined to meet the bespoke needs of its migrant communities. The team has worked hard to remove eligibility...
  • 27July, 2023
    CM manager Craig Fluery with some large donations of meat

    Meating Need

    Te Kai Mākona, The Salvation Army’s new food security and sovereignty framework, encourages creative problem solving with other food providers, individuals and organisations. Palmerston North Salvation Army are currently collaborating with local partners in the innovative work of investigating the processing of rescued meat into more accessible meal-ready forms. Where...
  • 27July, 2023
    collaboration team between The Salvation Army and The Village Butchery

    Cooking Up a Storm

    The Salvation Army in Gisborne has had a lot on its plate with Cyclone Hale and then Gabrielle hitting the Tairawhiti region especially hard. A response hub during the relief effort, volunteers cooked up a storm of hot meals for evacuated families and emergency workers. With the introduction of Te...
  • 27July, 2023
    Volunteers packing food in Cambridge

    Small Great Things

    The Salvation Army in Cambridge is a small centre with limited resources, but that’s not stopping the team from doing great things with an abundance of love and intentionality. Te Kai Mākona, The Salvation Army’s new food security and sovereignty framework, has been enthusiastically embraced by the Cambridge team. And...
  • 27July, 2023
    Overhead view of the Alexandra community garden

    Growing Hope

    Te Kai Mākona, The Salvation Army’s new food security framework, has taken root in Alexandra. Early adopters of the new approach, the team were already well down the philosophical change trajectory when they embarked on operational change. But instead of labouring alone, they planted seeds in the good soil of...
  • 14May, 2021
    War Cry 15 May 2021 Promo

    Holy Ghost Holes

    If you have had the opportunity to go to the UK and Europe and visit historic churches, you most likely were in awe, or aghast, at the elaborate architecture and beautiful paintings, statues and frescoes that adorn their interiors.
  • 01May, 2021
    War Cry 1 May 2021 Promo

    Thank you, camp leaders!

    Easter camps are a rite of ‘spiritual’ passage for many of the young people within The Salvation Army.
  • 02April, 2021
    03 April 2021 War Cry Promo

    Love Your Neighbour

    Last weekend one of the neighbours in our street organised a street barbeque in our local park. We had a good turn-out, and it was lovely to see the various ages and ethnicities gathered together and enjoying the afternoon sun.
  • 22March, 2021
    person praying

    Seen and Heard

    Sunday March 28 is The Salvation Army’s International Day of Prayer for Children and Youth. The 2021 theme is ‘Seen and Heard’—understanding that children are full and active members of the Body of Christ and encouraging us to pray that they would all have opportunity and respect in our communities....
  • 19March, 2021
    20 March 2021 NZFTS War Cry Promo

    Soli Deo Gloria!

    On the email signature of Salvation Army’s policy analyst, Ronji Tanielu (Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit), I noticed the Latin phrase Soli Deo Gloria! It means: Glory to God Alone!
  • 14March, 2021
    Campfire by lake

    Camping Out at the Cross

    If you are a Christian and have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, repented of your sin—because ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)—and experienced salvation, you might have been tempted to ‘camp out’ at the foot of the cross. After all,...