Prayer Squares: A Prayer for Partnerships to Achieve the Goal (SDG #17) | The Salvation Army

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Prayer Squares: A Prayer for Partnerships to Achieve the Goal (SDG #17)

Our Prayer Squares are a freely-printable resource to help you pray for women and girls, and the world, using the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as an engaging framework.

Download the Sustainable Development Goal Prayer Squares
Read more of the Salvationist Prayers for Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as 'an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.'

We believe that prayer is the biggest action a Christian can begin with. Will you join us in an urgent call for prayer, as we intercede for women and girls through each of the Sustainable Development Goals?

Prayer for Sustainable Development
Goal #17: Partnerships to Achieve the Goal | Find out more
Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

  • Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for women and girls requires an enabling environment and a stronger commitment to partnership and cooperation. Of the $117 billion in ODA commitments received by developing countries, only 38% targeted gender equality and women’s equality as either a significant (secondary) or principal (primary) objective.

'Dear Heavenly Father, we do acknowledge You as our God, Our Maker, The Creator of Heaven and Earth. We recognise the importance of being united and standing together as one if we are to build a better tomorrow in the lives of others.

We ask that there would be a Mighty Wind of the Spirit of God that causes unity in the hearts of people globally, regionally, nationally and at local levels as well. May we build upon principles and values upon a shared vision and goals, placing human lives and the planet at the centre.

O Lord, You are the Alpha and the Omega. We pray that our collective effort be blessed by You and lives will be transformed as a result of unity. May we all be given the heart to come together….Governments, Civil Society, in both developed and developing countries so that everyone is given the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

May our cooperate partnerships be blessed by You O Lord. Keep us in your love.

In and through the name of Jesus we pray.


- Major Merewalesi Qoriniasi, The Salvation Army Tonga