This website has recently undergone substantial rebuilding. While we’ve worked to minimise disruptions, you may encounter some issues. We appreciate your patience during this transition.


Glenfield Corps building

Everyone is welcome to our church services on Sunday at 10:30am.

Other activities include:

Kids Church – 10:30am every Sunday.

‘Companions Club’, a group for senior men and women who meet monthly for social fellowship activities – 10:15am on the 3rd Monday of each month. $7.00

‘Creativitea’ Craft group, bring along your current craft project or come along and learn a new skill – 10.30am on the last Thursday of each month.

Please contact us to know more about other groups like: Pasefika fellowship, Kids school holiday programmes and Men’s & Women’s ministry

Room hire is also available, please call the office for enquiries.

Follow us on Facebook for regular event updates