Fiji Family Care Centre Sponsorship
Our Family Care Centres in Suva, Lautoka and Labasa in Fiji are safe houses for women escaping domestic violence, homelessness and human trafficking.
For $30 a month, you can help support this work.
The Salvation Army Sponsorship programme is a well-established and important aspect of Salvation Army ministry to the less fortunate around the world. In Fiji, further development of this programme is giving people the chance to help women and children through our three Family Care Centres in Suva, Lautoka and Labasa.
Each Family Care Centre offers shelter, safety, training and support in reintegration into society for women and their families who are victims of domestic violence. Many have experienced relationship breakdowns or are in need of shelter and protection because of homelessness, mental health issues and partner suicide. Women are referred by police, Women’s Refuge and other NGOs. Without these centres, many find their only other option is to live on the streets. The issue of people trafficking has gained attention in Fiji, and the centres are involved as safe houses for women who are trafficking victims.
Sign Up Today
Download the application form for ‘Fiji Family Care Centre Sponsors’ at the foot of page.
For more information:
Major Alister Irwin
Territorial International Development Officer
Phone: (027) 245 1658
Email: Major Alister Irwin
Photo: Suva Family Care Centre Manager Lieutenant Varea Rika and case worker Thias Bott with a new addition to the centre, a prematurely born baby. The baby’s mother entered the centre with her other children following ongoing relationship issues with her husband and financial difficulties.