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Partnering Around Kai

Collaborating with other food providers, individuals and organisations to deliver collective impact

Partnering Around Kai

Partnering is critical to our ability to achieve a food secure future in Aotearoa where all individuals have access to the quality and quantity of food needed to meet their needs. Salvation Army foodbanks benefit from partnering at all levels – from the support of volunteers from schools, businesses and community organisations that help deliver our food responses, to the food and cash donations from individuals and businesses that keep food on our foodbank shelves and our food security programmes running, our collaboration with iwi, community groups and local government, through to partnerships with national organisations such as AFRA, Kore Hiakai and New Zealand Food Network that help us make a difference to those experiencing food hardship now and work towards a more food secure future for everyone.

Exploring Te Kai Mākona | Choosing Kai | Sharing Kai | Growing Kai | Buying Kai | Cooking Kai | Connecting Through Kai | Partnering Around Kai