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Employer Information

How does payroll giving work?

Payroll Giving allows your employees to donate to The Salvation Army, and other charitable organisations, direct from their pay.

Payroll Giving is convenient and simple, and allows employees to receive immediate tax credits for their donations.

This also eliminates the need to collect receipts and wait until the end of the tax year to claim tax credits.

Karen makes a regular Payroll Giving donation to The Salvation Army. She is paid $1,530 every two weeks. This is her only job, so her tax code is “M”.

With donation Without
  Income $1530.00 $1530.00
Less PAYE $306.12 $306.12
Less Donation $20.00 $0.00
Plus Tax Credit for Payroll Donations $6.67 $0.00
  Take Home Pay $1210.55 $1223.88

To set up Payroll Giving you will need to:

  • ensure your payroll system is Payroll Giving compliant
  • complete the attached Payroll Giving Employer Form
  • have your employees complete Payroll Giving Donor Forms
  • regularly deduct the requested donation amount from your employees pay
  • pass donations to The Salvation Army as per IRD guidelines

Why offer Payroll Giving?

More people than ever are basing their purchasing and employment decisions on an organisation’s philosophy and philanthropy.

For an employer Payroll Giving is a simple way to take part in philanthropic giving, and increase the positive perception of your organisation to staff, customers and suppliers. Partnering with The Salvation Army also aligns you with one of the world’s top 200 brands.

Why choose The Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army has been fighting poverty and social distress in New Zealand since 1883. And our mission remains the same: Caring for People, Transforming Lives and Reforming Society.

A rising number of New Zealanders face tough choices as they deal with a myriad of financial and social problems relating to job losses, reduced working hours and the resulting debt.

Moving from poverty to a new and independent life takes great tenacity and it can take tremendous courage to ask for help. The Salvation Army works hard to provide better options in life for those who do. And because giving everyone better choices contributes to the health of society as a whole, helping others helps all of us – both now and for the future.

How will your employees’ donations help?’

Donations ensure the ongoing work of The Salvation Army’s community services:

  • Food Banks
  • Budgeting Courses
  • Employment Training
  • Youth Programmes
  • Supportive Accommodation
  • Emergency Services
  • Parenting and Life Skills Programmes
  • Court and Prison Services
  • Addiction Services

Our front line support provides help to Kiwis when they need it most.