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Will wording, appreciation & recognition

Appreciation and Recognition

If you have chosen to include The Salvation Army in your Will, please let us know you have done this.

We do not need to know what you have done, but would like to know you have done this, as we would love to thank you personally. And, because we truly value your partnering with us to help make New Zealand a better place for future generations we want you to feel appreciated and part of what we are doing.

If you will allow us the privilege of showing our appreciation and keeping you informed of what we are achieving with the help of generous people like yourself please either complete the online contact form or contact one of our regional staff in the area in which you live. That person would love to hear from you.

Suggested Will Wording

I GIVE free of all duties to The Salvation Army New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory the sum of $………   or

[the residue of my estate]  or

[ % of the residue of my estate] or

[my ………………]


to be used and applied for general purposes [in the ………………… District]*

*Don’t insert a District unless testator requires legacy to be used in a specific district