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Development Projects

Major Vyvyenne Noakes examines project work in Malawi

The Salvation Army International Development works with some of the poorest communities around the world, providing resources they need to restore their physical, economic, social and spiritual wellbeing.

We believe poverty is more than a lack of food or money: poverty is a preventable injustice that limits people from reaching their potential. Our work focusses on supporting both individuals and communities by resourcing and empowering them to build a better life and future.


We will take steps to ensure all people are safe from harm, including physical and emotional abuse, economic exploitation and neglect. Good project design and organisational policies help The Salvation Army use transparent processes and best practice to protect people from harm.

International Development seeks documented evidence of acceptable standards of safety and health in our programmes. We seek to increase accountability, good governance and reject any form of corruption. We seek equity and gender equity across all needs including age and disability. We will be guided by regional/national/state laws and statutes.


The Salvation Army New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory supports others through financial contributions to undertake projects in developing countries where the International Salvation Army works. Our partnership with communities allows the local voice to be heard in decision-making around what will bring about sustainable change.

Our international projects focus on five thematic areas: education, health/medical, community development, clean water (and retention) and self-sufficiency. Projects are currently active in the Philippines, Kenya, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Brazil, Rwanda and Zambia.

The Salvation Army is a member of Council for International Development (CID), whereby we comply with the ‘Code of Conduct’ that aims to improve international development outcomes, endorsing good practice and risk management in development. The Salvation Army New Zealand Fiji, Tonga and Samoa is a Code Compliant member of CID. If you believe we have not met these standards, please make contact on

Corporate and personal donors are encouraged to support and partner with new and existing international development projects. Please contact us to discuss partnering with us.

For more information:

Major Alister Irwin
Territorial International Development Officer
Phone: (027) 245 1658
Email: Major Alister Irwin