This website has recently undergone substantial rebuilding. While we’ve worked to minimise disruptions, you may encounter some issues. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

Just Gifts


How does it work?

Step 1: Visit our dedicated Just Gifts website

Step 2:  Select one of the five countries we assist  

Step 3:  Choose a gift (or gifts) using the online order form 

Step 4: Make payment using the online payment option, a receipt will be sent automatically.

What happens then? 

Each month completed orders are sent to countries identified to enable our Salvation Army project officers to share the gifts. 

A few gifts are a little more expensive and are actioned annually—like bicycles for Kenya—therefore funds are sent once a year. 

If you have questions, use the online ‘contact us’ form or email… 

For more information:

Major Alister Irwin
Territorial International Development Officer
Phone: (027) 245 1658
Email: Major Alister Irwin