This website has recently undergone substantial rebuilding. While we’ve worked to minimise disruptions, you may encounter some issues. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

Make a Donation

Donate Now

The Salvation Army continues to serve your community. We anticipate continued demand for our services in 2024 as we meet people’s essential needs.


  • Click here to donate securely online – your receipt will be sent to the email address you provide.
  • Phone 0800 53 00 00 to make a secure phone donation using your credit card.
  • You can also donate via Internet Banking – The Salvation Army bank account is BNZ 02 0568 0091726 00. If you have a Supporter number, please enter this in the ‘Reference’ field on your online payment form. Once you have made your donation through Internet Banking please email us at with your name, address and donation amount so we can send you a receipt as soon as possible.
  • Email us to become a True Hero and make regular donations.

Thank you so much for continuing to support our work on the front line of need in New Zealand in this challenging time.

Do You Need to Take a Break from our True Heroes Programme?

Please email us if you need to change your True Heroes regular gift amount, including pausing or stopping.

Email us with your request and we will action this for you. Please include a contact phone number if possible.

The Salvation Army is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registered number CC37312. This means The Salvation Army is exempt from income tax. The Army also has Donee Status from IRD, meaning donations of $5 or more may qualify for a tax credit. The Salvation Army IRD number is: 011-264-190.

Find out more about The Salvation Army and the work we do in our Annual Report 2024.