The Salvation Army’s annual Christmas Appeal, this year titled "Light up Someone’s Christmas," has launched today (November 6). As Christmas...
After 31 years of The Salvation Army Oasis delivering programmes to prevent and minimise gambling harm, we have received notification from Te...
The Salvation Army is calling on the government to get the basics right for people leaving prison. ‘This is a straightforward fix for the incoming...
The New Zealand justice system faces a difficult task, addressing the complex crimes committed by offenders who often grapple with a multitude of...
In the midst of cost-of-living, economic and financial pressures in Aotearoa New Zealand, problems and harm persist from online gambling, alcohol...
The Salvation Army is excited to announce the opening of its first medical centre in New Zealand. This will take place on Monday 18 September at...
Housing issues are gigantic for the poorest in our communities, especially with the major inflation and cost of living pressures plaguing whānau,...
Politicians are being asked to explain how they will continue to reduce child poverty in the second of The Salvation Army’s ‘Pressing Issues’...
Jobs, incomes and tax are pressing issues this election, says The Salvation Army Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit in the first of its ‘...
The cost of providing Salvation Army food parcels of various sizes has risen significantly since last year, in one case more than threefold, with...
Work on an innovative Salvation Army Social Housing project in Dunedin is well underway, with 30 apartments being constructed for low-income...
The Salvation Army welcomes moves in today’s Budget to boost social housing by 3000 homes over the next two years. The people we are working with...