Salvation Army statement on the passing of Kīngi Tūheitia
The following can be attributed to The Salvation Army Territorial Leaders Mark and Julie Campbell:
Tiheiwa mauri ora, tiheiwa mauri mate,
Kāti, te wāhi tuatahi, kia wehi ai ki tō tātou mātua i te rangi.
Kia whakahonore tō tātou Kingitanga, to tātou Kingi kua wheturangitia, Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowero VII e noho mai I runga I te marae ō ōu tūpuna, he marae tapu, I te āhuatanga tika.
No reira te pou o te Iwi, te pou rangatira, te Ariki, haere ki ō tūpuna.
Haere ki tō matua, tō whaea me etāhi atu e kore e taea te whakaingoatia.
Haere te Rangatira e whaia te rongo, te aiotanga, te pai,
I a mātou nei, e tangi nei, e mihi nei, Te Ope Whakaora, moe mai rā.
We acknowledge and mourn the loss of Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowero VII with great sadness. As a person of integrity, unity, and wisdom, this is a great loss for Tainui, for all Iwi, and for Aotearoa.
On behalf of The Salvation Army Aotearoa, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga, we extend our heartfelt love to you and your whānau who sit with you in the gathering place of your ancestors.
May the peace of God and the love of Jesus Christ Rest gently upon you.
The Salvation Army Territorial Media Officer, 021 945 337, email: (The Media Officer responds to enquiries from media outlets and journalists. If you would like to donate, are in need of help, or have some other non-media-related enquiry, please call 0800 53 00 00.)