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Overcoming the gap

A vision to overcome the gap betwen rich and poor.

Rich and poor sign

> download A Vision to overcome the gap between rich and poor keynote speech (PDF, 149KB)


A keynote speech given by Major Campbell Roberts at the National Hui on Reducing Inequality on November 23, at Mangere’s Nga Whare Waatea Marae organised by the Council of Christian Social Services.

In New Zealand during 2011 income inequality increased faster than in any other OECD country. Most of the increase was due to larger rises in overall incomes for the top 20 per cent of income earners while those in the bottom 20 per cent saw their incomes continue to decrease in relation to inflation. 

Major Roberts explains that what New Zealand is suffering primarily from is a poverty of compassion, as there seems to be little political will to reverse the growing and unnecessary deprivation faced by many of our citizens.

And in response to this looming problem, Major Roberts outlines three areas which he believes can effectively reduce inequality in New Zealand in a practical way. They are the creation of a liveable wage, the reduction of childhood poverty and ensuring everyone has access to healthy and affordable housing.
