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Annual Report 2017

journeying together annual report cover logo

Annual Report 2016-17 – Journeying Together

Come on a journey with us. Each year our Annual Report presents the facts and figures around what The Salvation Army has achieved in the community during this time, but behind these numbers are real people whose lives have been changed for the better.

This year, we want to take you on a journey through the eyes of three of these people. As you read the report you can use the coloured lines to follow the journeys of Paul, Antonia and Nathan, and see how they each accessed different facets of our care.

We hope these stories will help put a face to the 120,000 people that we support each year—giving  a first-hand account of how different areas of The Salvation Army work together, and how lives are changed.

> view and download the Annual Report 2016-17 (PDF, 3.53MB)

The Salvation Army – Annual Report 2017