Services you Support | The Salvation Army

Services you Support

Your support is enabling us to provide support to Kiwi's in need in so many ways:


Empowering individuals to envision a brighter future

Our Community Ministries teams and centers nationwide continue to extend a welcoming hand to all seeking help. We evaluate their circumstances and offer support, even if it's just lending an ear. There's a growing demand for ongoing family support as stress levels persist. Rising living costs have intensified feelings of isolation, exacerbated addiction issues, and increased vulnerabilities related to mental and physical health. Your support ensures we remain a steadfast presence in their lives.

The provision of advocacy, counseling, and social work support is pivotal in building resilience and fortifying fragile states. Emotional, psychological, and spiritual strains are evident across society. As we navigate another year of uncertainty, services that provide hope, emotional support, and personal growth are crucial in sustaining individuals and equipping them to confront challenges and envision a better tomorrow.

Restoring financial stability and independence

Financial mentoring plays a vital role in fostering independence and resolving crises for many individuals. Escalating living costs and inflation affect people across all income levels, amplifying financial strain. Advisors assist individuals in setting realistic budgets and managing their expenses to meet family needs. They also provide guidance on welfare entitlements and debt consolidation, empowering clients to regain confidence and control over their financial situations—thanks to your support.

Providing relief for families

Receiving one of our food parcels often marks the beginning of a journey toward seeking help. While these parcels offer immediate relief to families facing hardship, mental stress, and financial pressure, they don't address the root cause of the problem. We aim to provide sustainable solutions by addressing the underlying issues and working together to create long-term strategies. Your support ensures we can continue offering immediate relief while exploring alternative ways to combat food insecurity.

Guiding families and individuals toward a brighter future

Many families and individuals facing adversity struggle to afford basic household items. Practical aid packages and assistance with essential items help alleviate their burdens and restore a sense of dignity and pride. Your support enables us to provide these essential services, helping individuals transition from difficult circumstances to a brighter future.

Investing in the next generation

We're committed to nurturing the youth in our communities through engagement and support programs like Aspire. These initiatives empower young people to set goals, participate in community projects, and develop personally in a supportive environment. Investing in our youth benefits us all, and your contribution plays a crucial role in helping the next generation succeed.

Providing stability for those in need

Our housing support encompasses various aspects, including transitional housing that provides secure accommodations and wraparound support for individuals and families. Permanent housing not only offers stability but also enables individuals to pursue employment and education opportunities without disruption. Your support helps us provide stable housing solutions for those in need.

Assisting Kiwis in overcoming addiction

Increased pressures have led some individuals to harmful behaviours such as alcohol or gambling addiction. We offer specialized treatment services, counselling, and support groups to help individuals overcome these challenges. Your donation enables us to provide comprehensive wraparound support and additional programs to facilitate long-term transformation.

Your contribution could make a significant difference in the lives of Kiwis on the brink of crisis, providing them with essential services and support.

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