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  • 16April, 2024

    Submission to Parole (Mandatory Completion of Rehabilitative Programmes) Amendment Bill

    Summary: The Salvation Army has a longstanding commitment to advocating for rehabilitation and reintegration within the prison system, we fully support the intentions behind the proposed bill. As frontline service provider, we are engaged with incarcerated individuals and those going through parole, we understand the challenges faced by Corrections regarding...
  • 05April, 2024

    Submission to Courts (Remote Participation) Amendment Bill

    Summary: Overall, we support the Courts (Remote Participation) Amendment Bill. We believe that extending remote participation offers additional tools for the courts to manage their increasing caseloads. We view the provision in the bill allowing victims and their supporters to observe proceedings (9A) as a positive step towards ensuring victims...
  • 01March, 2024

    Consultation: Fair Outcomes for Consumers and Markets

    Summary The Salvation Army (TSA) supports the FMA’s proposed approach to embedding a regulatory approach that focusses on fair outcomes for consumers and markets. As a Social Service which provides financial mentoring our primary focus is on the wellbeing of vulnerable consumers. Whilst we support the fairer outcomes approach, we...
  • 15December, 2023

    Submission to Napier Proposed District Plan

    TSA has not actively participated in local district plan submissions, however, we recognize the paramount importance of housing for the well-being of vulnerable whanau in the community.
  • 15December, 2023
    Overhead view of the the Napier coastline

    Submission to Napier Proposed District Plan

    Summary TSA  has not actively participated in local district plan submissions, however, we recognize the paramount importance of housing for the well-being of vulnerable whanau in the community. Understanding the potential impact of the proposed district plan on Napier's housing and consequently on our residential services, we express specific concerns...
  • 12October, 2023
    Block of flats

    Residential Property Managers Bill submission

    Summary The Salvation Army Te Ope Whakaora supports this Bill and the intention to better regulate property managers the private rental market. We recommend strengthening requirements for Te Tiriti based approaches to the training and regulation of property managers. The disproportionate representation of Māori amongst renters and those who are...
  • 02October, 2023
    Pylons against a sunset

    Consumer Care Guideline Consultation Submission

    Summary The Salvation Army Te Ope Whakaora welcomes this consultation seeking feedback from those affected by the actions of electricity retailers governed by the Consumer Care Guidelines (CCG). We strongly support strengthening the guidelines by making the requirements of the guidelines mandatory. The Electricity Authority (EA) has indicated that Option...
  • 10August, 2023
    Lock on a jail cell door

    Corrections Amendment Bill submission to Justice Committee

    Summary: Overall, we are generally supportive of the amendments set out in this Bill. The Salvation Army has already submitted to the Department of Correction’s (DOC) consultation on options to improve rehabilitation, reintegration, and safety outcomes. We refer the Justice Committee back to this submission because it contains valuable feedback...
  • 28April, 2023
    Powerlines against a colourful sunset sky

    Energy Hardship Discussion Paper

    Summary The Salvation Army has, over recent years, been involved in various aspects of this energy hardship advocacy. Overall, we are supportive of the direction that the Panel and their team are heading with in this Discussion Paper. This short submission offers some comments on specific aspects of these strategies.  ...
  • 27April, 2023
    people in a busy airport

    Submission to Immigration (Mass Arrivals) Amendment Bill

    Summary The Salvation Army Te Ope Whakaora strongly opposes this Immigration (Mass Arrivals) Amendment Bill in its entirety and urges Parliament not to proceed further with it. The changes proposed in the bill are concerning and out of step with related work underway on developing modern slavery legislation and countering...
  • 14April, 2023
    Happy father and 2 kids

    Child Support (Pass On) Acts Amendment Bill

    Summary The Salvation Army Te Ope Whakaora strongly supports the intention of this Bill to ensure a fair pass on of child support payments to carers of children who are receiving the sole parent rate for a range of welfare income support payments. Seen from the perspective of the people...
  • 06April, 2023
    Scattered credit cards with a laptop in the background

    Consultation: A proposed framework for debt to government

    Summary: Our overall sense of the IRD’s proposed framework is that it is an uninspiring framework that is not prescriptive or clear enough to address current major debt to government issues. Consequently, The Salvation Army believes that this approach does not give people (and those organisations supporting them) who owe...