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  • 10March, 2023
    Woman in protective gear cleaning a window frame

    Regulation of Methamphetamine Contamination in Rental Housing – Regulatory Options

    Summary  The Salvation Army welcomes the move to bring clarity around the level of methamphetamine contamination that is considered acceptable for rental properties. The proposed maximum level of 15 μg/100cm2 is reasonable and should be included in regulations.  The proposed maximum inhabitable level of 30 μg/100cm2 is we believe an...
  • 12February, 2023
    General picture of the tops of bottles with caps on

    Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Bill

    Summary:  The Salvation Army welcomes this bill as a step in the right direction of addressing the impact of alcohol harm in our communities. We are pleased some changes in this bill that support our previous advocacy work around appeals to Local Alcohol Policies (LAP) and standing requirements. However, we...
  • 05February, 2023
    collaboration over plans

    Spatial Planning (SP) Bill

    Summary:  Generally, The Salvation Army is supportive of this Bill and the ongoing efforts to reform the resource management law in our country. Our submission to the Natural and Built Environment (NBE) Bill contains our main submissions to the government’s efforts to reform the Resource Management Act (RMA) and so...
  • 05February, 2023
    Queenstown from above

    Natural and Built Environment (NBE) Bill

    Summary:  Overall, The Salvation Army is supportive of this Bill and the ongoing efforts to reform the resource management law in our country. This submission will focus on specific aspects of Bill, including the workings of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the associated levels of planning, and the importance...
  • 03February, 2023
    Lady Justice holding scales

    Legal Services Amendment Bill

    Summary:  The Salvation Army supports this Bill in principle. We submit that the changes covered in this Bill will have some important benefits to the people and whanau using our services. However, there are some aspects of the wider review of Legal Aid and this process that we believe could...
  • 27January, 2023
    Generic laptops and numbers on paper

    Submission to Budget Policy Statement (BPS) 2023

    Summary The Salvation Army welcomes to clear goals to focus on supporting families and households experiencing cost of living pressures and prioritising crucial government services of health, education and housing.  We support the Wellbeing approach to intergenerational wellbeing and use of He Ara Waiora framework to guide work to reduce...
  • 09December, 2022
    Donations text on an old typewriter

    Submission to Charities Amendment Bill – 09 Dec 2022

    Summary:  Overall, The Salvation Army opposes the passing of this Bill into law. There are some aspects of the Bill that we do support which are discussed below. However, after this extremely drawn-out process that began back in 2018 to review the Charities Act 2005, the Bill that has subsequently...
  • 01December, 2022
    Migrant workers in the fields

    Worker Protection (Migrant and Other Employees) Bill

    Summary  The Salvation Army strongly supports the stated purpose of this Bill to “improve compliance and enforcement legislation to deter employers from exploiting migrant workers”.  The narrow scope of this Bill does not however adequately address the extent of the problem of migrant worker exploitation and potentially risks increasing exploitation...
  • 07November, 2022
    person in a motorised wheelchair

    Submission on Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill

    Summary Overall, The Salvation Army appreciates the intentions of this Bill to address and improve accessibility issues for disabled people in New Zealand. It is positive that there is an appetite and drive for change from our Parliamentarians in this area. This follows from the momentum of establishing the Ministry...
  • 04November, 2022
    Welcome mat on a doorstep

    Code of Practice for Transitional Housing Consultation

    Summary  The Salvation Army Te Ope Whakaora supports the introduction of a Code of Practice (COP) for transitional housing. The draft Code is overall a good basis to work from but further changes to clarify it are needed.  The COP will require the funders to be proactive in monitoring TH...
  • 11October, 2022
    man holding a chain-link fence

    Justice Sector Long Term Insights Briefing

    Introduction The Salvation Army welcomes this briefing document that captures well key trends and the issues relating to imprisonment in Aotearoa New Zealand in 2022. The Long Term Insights (LTI) Briefing provides sound evidence and analysis that will inform the future of justice policy.  The Salvation Army’s vision for imprisonment...