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Submission to Vocational Education and Training Reforms Consultation 2024


  • The Salvation Army Te Ope Whakaora welcomes this opportunity to comment on the reforms of vocational education and training (VET).
  • These brief comments view this reform from the perspective of those on the margins of education, training and employment, who should be a priority target group to benefit from this reform. We ask the question, will the proposed structures improve access and affordability of vocational training for those on the margins?
  • Among the people most affected by the changes are those on the margins of employment and training system. Younger people (aged 15- 24 years) – particularly those who are not in employment education or training (NEET), Māori, Pacific peoples, as well as people living with a disability are among those whose training and employment outcomes are disproportionately more impacted by the planned changes.
  • Among key concerns about the proposed reforms are the emphasis on re-allocating existing equity-based funding towards general training and apparent assumptions about financial sustainability that government funding which underpins the entire education and training system will not increase significantly beyond current levels.
Submission to Vocational Education and Training Reforms Consultation