Thank you, camp leaders!

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Easter camps are a rite of ‘spiritual’ passage for many of the young people within The Salvation Army. Those who have attended an Easter camp in their life will understand the value of the investment these few days bring. For young people to be out of the normal routines of life and spend time with their friends, leaders and God has great value.
I, too, look back fondly at the Easter camps I attended as a child and the impact these times had on my spiritual walk. I remember the leadership and passion of people such as Ray Whiting, and John and Ken Dawson from my Linwood Corps days. Leaders who committed their free time and talents to ensure campers in their care received a fun weekend but also a challenging and faith-focussed time.
In this edition of War Cry, we feature a look back at Easter camps held in both the North and South Islands this year. We also feature the special place the ‘camp mum’ holds, and the dedication and commitment it takes from individuals who tirelessly show up year in and year out to support their youth and children.
The inestimable value of sowing into a child or a young person’s life will only be fully realised in Heaven, but a big thank you to all of you who have taken the time to invest in the life of a child, be it as a Sunday school teacher, youth leader, camp mum or camp leader. Thank you also to all mums and mother-figures out there who selflessly show up in our lives and model service to us. God bless you!
Vivienne Hill
When filled with holy truth the mind rests.
CH Spurgeon
Bible Verse
Jude 1:21
Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
Hūrā 1:21
Me te tiaki anō i a koutou i runga i te aroha o te Atua, me te tatari anō ki te mahi tohu a tō tātou Ariki, a Īhu Karaiti, ā te ora tonu rā anō.