Generosity/Service Advent Calendar printable | The Salvation Army

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Generosity/Service Advent Calendar printable

Download our free Generosity/Service Advent Calendar here! It gives 24 ideas for your family to serve others through December, helping your children discover for themselves that it is better to give than receive.

Print and cut them out, then use these fun ideas to be generous and make a difference in YOUR neighbourhood this Christmas.

Here's some ways you could use this resource:
- insert them in your families/kids' advent calendar
- use it as a daily checklist
- create a scavenger hunt where you have to complete a task to move onto the next one!
- invite other families or neighbours to join you in blessing your whole street!
- tuck an idea into your Elf on the Shelf (or other Christmas mischief maker) each morning


Type: PDF
Size: 125.36 KB
Date: 18 Nov 2019