10 Things you can do right now to combat trafficking | The Salvation Army

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10 Things you can do right now to combat trafficking

Join our 'Commit to 5' Campaign and help fight human trafficking
Things you can do right now to stop human trafficking

You may be surprised at how small, simple actions can ripple out to make great change! We're encouraging everyone in our Territory to commit to making 5 simple changes over the next year. 

Here are 10 things you can do right now to help stop human trafficking:

Learn: Read slavery-related websites, watch films and read books about the topic. Take the Slavery Footprint Survey (http://slaveryfootprint.org) and share it.

Share: Talk about what you have learnt with friends, family, at your school, in your church or workplace. Share articles online.

Teach: Teach young children about the techniques used by traffickers—especially on the internet and in malls.

Report: If you see anything that doesn’t seem right, report it to the police—such as an underage girl selling sex on the street, a domestic worker who is not allowed to leave the home, labourers kept together and working extreme hours, a teenage girl with a much older ‘boyfriend’.

Encourage: Lobby our government to review existing laws and procedures on human trafficking. Write to your MP in support of new legislation that will create greater transparency in our supply chains. Encourage news media to cover the issue of slavery. Encourage your local school to cover the topic. Encourage police to identify and respond to the issue.

Think about what you buy: Go online and see if the companies you buy from have codes of conduct or policies to address human trafficking. Congratulate those that do, and politely encourage those that don’t. Support the companies that are taking the issue seriously. Use these guides to help you shop for fashion and food ethically. 

Give: Donate to a human trafficking programme. Hold a fundraising event.

Volunteer: Donate your time or expertise to an organisation fighting slavery—either in your local region, or further afield via the internet.

Use your talents: If you are a writer, write a blog. If you are a painter, paint a picture. If you do sports, use it as a platform to raise awareness. If you are musical, write a song. If you like movies, post a short film.

Commit: Commit to doing five actions per year (even more if you are up for it) that will contribute to the fight against slavery.


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