Welcome to Just Action | The Salvation Army

Welcome to Just Action

Just Action 2019 ~ Restoring the Spirit to the Public Sphere

Tuesday 1 to Wednesday 2 October 2019

Wellington City Corps, 92 Vivian Street, Wellington, New Zealand


conference logo


Just Action is one of New Zealand's flagship social justice gatherings, offering a space to explore the mission of renewing our society. Just Action provides a thought space for reflection, education, skills-development, relationship-building and, above all, inspiration.

The conference theme is inspired by the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus calls us to be the ‘salt of the earth’ and the ‘light of the world’ (Matthew 5:13, 14). As we look into the world and recognise its brokenness, we acknowledge our responsibility to be, in Henri Nouwen’s words, “wounded healers”, participating in the work of bringing about the Kingdom of God by achieving just outcomes for our brothers and sisters, in other words, social justice.

The conference is hosted by the Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit which is part of the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory of The Salvation Army. Founded in 2004, it works toward the eradication of poverty by encouraging policies and practices that strengthen the social framework of New Zealand. It provides solid social research and robust policy analysis, engaging with national opinion makers in politics, government, business, media and education.


Event details

Dates:                 Tuesday 1 October to Wednesday 2 October 2019

Start/end time: 10.00am on Tuesday to 5.30pm on Wednesday

Venue:               Wellington City Corps, 92 Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

Tickets:               NZ$100 to NZ$130. Go to Register to book your ticket.

Collaborate:        If you would like to volunteer to help run the conference and gain some valuable project management skills, email Vanessa on social.policy@salvationarmy.org.nz

Agency stands:    If your agency would like to hold an information stand at the conference, please email Vincent on social.policy@salvationarmy.org.nz


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