Tuning isn’t just for guitarists. Drummers need to be aware that how they tune their drums makes a dramatic difference both to their over...
Over many years of playing brass I think that my rehearsal time has been largely wasted time. I have always loved to play so that is the way I...
Often in our Sunday worship, we’ll have a setlist of songs that are in unrelated or different keys to each other. Part of the musicians role...
Amplify stage design is always a challenge. What can we create that is different, versatile, and that will add to the worship experi...
When it comes to production, events of all scales require solid preparation and a well thought out plan. Here are some key elements to think...
Whether purposeful or not, there tends to be a level of separation between musicians and sound engineers. Active mixing is a way to lower...
Burnout is a serious issue and is something that can seriously derail you and your creative spirit. Over burdening yourself can become real...