Our Pacific Emergency Fund

Pacific Emergency – Tonga
The Salvation Army has been working in Tonga for over 30 years. It is part of the New Zealand Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory. We are invested in the community and have established networks throughout the islands of this nation.
Following the recent eruption and tsunami, our thoughts and prayers have been with our people in Tonga, with those who are responding to this emergency and with the various communities in the region.
Thank you to those who have approached us following this event. We appreciate your love and concern. While we have yet to receive any specific requests for support, we continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide further updates when information comes to hand.
If you wish to assist financially, your donation can have an immediate and enormous impact, will help us to meet the needs on the ground as they are identified and assist communities in Tonga in their recovery efforts for the long term.
Here’s how you can donate to the Pacific Emergency Fund:
Make a one-off donation online (please specify ‘Tonga’ and/or the region you’d like to support in the Comments section) by clicking here;
Call 0800 53 00 00 to make a donation via phone using your credit card;
You can deposit a donation directly in The Salvation Army bank account: BNZ 02 0568 0091726 02 (please state this is for the Pacific Emergency Fund/specify ‘Tonga’ and/or the region you’d like to support in the ‘refernce’ section);
Thank you for your support in helping The Salvation Army to help the people in the Pacific. God bless you.
More info: Press Release: 19 Jan 2022