Early Childhood Education Centres

Give your child a great start for life!
Salvation Army Early Childhood Education Centres are an integral part of a holistic ministry to families—empowering people, equipping children for life, and offering a life-changing relationship with Jesus.
The Salvation Army Early Childhood Education Centre is well placed to promote positive outcomes for children … Teachers know the children well and thoughtfully provide for their care. They plan to meet the needs of each individual and respond to their strengths and interests. Children’s emotional wellbeing is paramount.
ERO Review (www.ero.govt.nz)
About Us
The Salvation Army Early Childhood Education centres provide quality, Christian, Early childhood education, care and wrap around whānau care services within the community.
Mt Wellington Early Childhood Education Centre
We are a small centre with a team of dedicated Kaiako focused on building strong relationships with tamariki and whānau in the community.
Waitakere – Kidz Matter 2 Us
At Kidz Matter 2 Us we take pride in our connections with each child and family. Relationships and respect underpin all we do.
Newtown Early Childhood Education Centre
We are a dedicated team of experienced and qualified teachers who have been working together for many years. We love being integrated in the Newtown community and look forward to developing strong friendships with our tamariki and whānau.
Upper Hutt – William Booth Educare
At our centre we place a strong emphasis on allowing children to learn through play. We provide individualised learning programmes based on each child's interest, using a varied range of opportunities and experiences.
Space Programme – Newtown
Our SPACE programme is facilitated by experienced, qualified teachers who are passionate about infant development and the holistic wellbeing of infants, parents and whānau.