The vision for New Zeal | The Salvation Army

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The vision for New Zeal

Commissioner Andy shares his vision for New Zeal
Posted June 25, 2018

We have so many things going for us in these days. Let me list just a few: 

· Salvationists (meaning everyone, officers, soldiers, adherents and employees) who are overwhelmingly passionate about the mission that God has entrusted to us. 

· Great ideas and innovation. I am constantly amazed at the entrepreneurial ideas that Salvationists are generating to advance our mission. 

· Goodwill – the vast majority of Salvationists are positive about the potential we have to succeed in mission and are praying for that to happen. 

· A wide willingness to embrace change if it means better outcomes for the Kingdom.

· For the most part, great spaces and locations that work for the mission, not against it. 

· Resources, both financial and in equipment, enough to do what we need to do. 

· And lastly, but not least, a wide-spread ongoing desire and determination to seek God by way of prayer, worship, dedication and consecration, and to know him better.

And yet we hunger for more of the Holy Spirit power that will make this all work! We want to see, with greater frequency, the undeniable power of God, His blessing and powerful presence in all that we do.

The nexus of all that we do this year in seeking God’s renewal will be New Zeal 2018. I am asking you to embrace the 2018 New Zeal (paralleled with the National Maori Hui) and work hard towards getting as many of your people as you can to this event. New Zeal will focus on worship, the word of God and encounter with the Holy Spirit.