What does the 2018 Budget mean for housing for older New Zealanders? | The Salvation Army

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What does the 2018 Budget mean for housing for older New Zealanders?

Posted June 20, 2018

A talk to North Shore Grey Power on 25th MAY 2018, by Alan Johnson, Social Policy Analyst for the Social Policy & Parliamentary Unit of The Salvation Army.

Two groups of people – the survivors of the inter-wars generation and poorer Baby Boomers are the most likely to need assistance from the State for their housing. In the case of the inter-wars generation this will be through supported living and rest home care. For the poorer Baby Boomers this support will be in the form of either additional income support perhaps through the Accommodation Supplement or through the provision of state or other social housing.

This paper discusses how this assistance might roll out given the settings offered by the 2018 Budget.

What does the 2018 Budget mean for housing for older New Zealanders?

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Date: 17 Jul 2018