Email etiquette | The Salvation Army

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Email etiquette

How to have the right email etiquette.
Email etiquette
Posted March 30, 2012

Probably the best advice for email etiquette is ‘type unto others as you would have them type unto you’.

But aside from that, here are a few more top tips:

• Keep emails brief, but include all essential information so your recipient can understand your request or point of view
• Use simple courtesies, like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
• Do not type everything in capitals—it’s like shouting
• Multiple instances of ‘!!!’ or ‘???’ come across as rude or condescending
• Spell check and review your use of punctuations and capitals— sloppy emails with typos are not taken as seriously
• Be careful to spell people’s names correctly
• Always include some brief text in the ‘Subject:’ field—be sure this accurately refl ects your email’s content
• Make sure when using ‘BCC:’ (Blind Carbon Copy) that your intentions are proper—to send BCC: copies to others as a way of talking behind someone’s back isn’t appropriate
• Take the time to review each email before sending to ensure your message is clear and polite—make one last check that the address(es) in the ‘To:’ fi eld are correct
• Refrain from using the ‘Reply All’ feature to give your opinion to people who may not be interested—replying to the sender alone is usually best
• If you cannot respond to an email promptly, at least email back to confi rm your receipt and advise when the sender can expect your response
• Personal emails are easily forwarded to peopl—keep this in mind when typing about emotional or controversial topics
• Don’t make assumptions when it comes to email—always ask for clarifi cation before reacting
• When tempted to send an emotionally-charged email, walk away from your computer and wait a while before you reply, and review the sender’s email to be sure you’re not reading anything into it that isn’t there
• When there is a misunderstanding by email, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and work things out!
