Space Programme – Newtown

About us:
Our Space programme is facilitated by experienced facilitators and Early Childhood Education teachers who are passionate about infant development and the holistic wellbeing of infants, parents and whānau. The Space programme will give you valuable information to support your family in the first year of your parenting journey, and a group to form connections with other parents in your community.
Three-term/30 week Groups: Ideal for beginning pēpi at aged approx. 3 weeks to 4 months old.
Two-term/20 week Groups: We also offer two-term groups, which will either be the first two terms of our three-term programme (so without the final play term), or will be for older pēpi and be a condensed version of our three-term programme. This is dependent on the age range and interest we receive for the groups.
We are part of a community services hub and the Salvation Army church, offering wrap around support services for families. Within our Newtown building we have access to a fruit and vege co-op, food bank for kai support, playgroups, counselling, social workers and more!
Cost: There is a $45 fee paid on enrolment to Parenting Place for all programmes, and then a $90 fee for a three term group, or $60 fee for a two term group which is paid directly to our centre.
To find out more about a Space programme for your baby/to register your interest in joining one of our programmes, please complete this form.
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