This website has recently undergone substantial rebuilding. While we’ve worked to minimise disruptions, you may encounter some issues. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

About Us

Welcome to the Salvation Army New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory.

a family being welcomed to Upper Hutt Corps

How we operate

Transforming lives since 1865. Find out more about our Salvation Army story

To find out more about us, please visit Who We Are, read our Mission Statement and consider Our Values.

The Salvation Army doctrines (Articles of Faith) are simple and straightforward. They follow closely the orthodox beliefs of the Protestant Church. Read more about Our Beliefs.

Information on our Management Structure and organization can be found here.

Employment and Volunteering

The Army has over 3,000 officers and employees in New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa, and is recognised as a high-value employer. If you are interested in working for us, read about our Career Opportunities.

Alternatively, if you have some free time and would like to help us in our work, why not Volunteer With Us?

Treaty of Waitangi

The Salvation Army is firmly committed to honouring the principles of partnership, protection and participation inherent in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

For more information, please read our Bi-Cultural Statement.

Complaints & Privacy

We take complaints and privacy issues very seriously. Please use the links below with regard to making a complaint.

Criminal Sexual BehaviourThe Salvation Army is committed to providing environments where individuals are treated with respect and dignity and where unwelcome and unacceptable sexual behaviour is prohibited.

Sexual Misconduct: The Salvation Army is committed to providing environments where individuals are treated with respect and dignity and where unwelcome or unacceptable sexual behaviour is prohibited.

Whistleblowing: If an individual becomes aware of serious wrongdoing within The Salvation Army they may make a confidential complaint under this policy.

Abuse while under Salvation Army care: The Salvation Army in New Zealand has an established process encouraging people to seek redress and move towards resolution for abuse that occurred while in the care of, or otherwise engaged with, The Salvation Army.

Privacy Policy: The Salvation Army is committed to promoting and protecting individual privacy in relation to the collection, storage, use, access to, correction, and disclosure of personal information, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.

Keeping Children Safe

Keeping Children Safe is The New Zealand Army’s response to the Vulnerable Children’s Act, passed in 2014, which requires all organisations working with children and young people to develop a child protection policy, and ensure strict safety measures for employing staff.
