Prayer Squares: pray for women and girls using the UN's Sustainable Development Goals | The Salvation Army

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Prayer Squares: pray for women and girls using the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Use these printables to help pray for women and girls, and understand the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

World President of The Salvation Army International Women's Ministries' Commissioner Rosalie Peddle issued a call earlier this year to 'Reimagine' ministering to women in every context. We took up the challenge by recreating the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals as Prayer Squares, to engage in praying effectively for women and girls worldwide. Will you join us?

An urgent call to action: The UN's Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which 'provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.' The United Nations explains the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 'an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. [The SDGs] recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.'

An urgent call to prayer: The Salvation Army Women's Ministries New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa

The world leader of The Salvation Army General Brian Peddle, Commissioner Rosalie Peddle's husband, has issued a global call to pray for women and girls. He describes ‘probably the greatest injustice of our age’ – the fact that half the world’s population start life at a disadvantage simply because they are female. We believe that prayer is the most important action a Christian can begin their journey with. Will you join us in an urgent call for prayer, as we intercede for women and girls through each of the Sustainable Development Goals?​

We've also gathered these Salvationist Prayers for Sustainable Development GoalsSalvation Army women throughout our movement have written these in response to the goals that mean the most to them. Print these out and have them alongside your prayer squares, pray them over your group or view them online. You could also write your own as you pray and learn.

Printing the Prayer Squares

We've made the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into printable prayer squares for you. Print the complete set of Prayer Squares, and pray for women and girls through the lens of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. All files are available below. Share a pic of you using our Prayer Squares on social media, using #PrayerSquareSDG!

  • Prayer Squares cards and facts: Print these double-sided (flip on short edge), and cut to size. Each SDG card has facts that can be printed double-sided on the reverse, relating to that Sustainable Development Goals for women and girls. Have the Fact Sheet printed for extra information.
  • Prayer Squares: If time or printing is an issue, print the Prayer Square singles. Use the Fact Sheet to inform prayers on each topic.
  • Prayer Squares Fact Sheet: Prepared by the United Nations, this fact sheet is a gender-snapshot of how women and girls fare under each Sustainable Development Goal.
  • Prayer Square A4: Use these as prayer station posters. Print out the accompanying Salvationist Prayers for Sustainable Development Goals.






General Brian Peddle: 2020 Cry for Justice – a global call to pray for women and girls from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

Prayer Squares cards and facts

Type: PDF
Size: 1.63 MB
Date: 28 Feb 2020

Prayer Squares cards only

Type: PDF
Size: 1.61 MB
Date: 27 Feb 2020

Prayer Squares Fact Sheet

Type: PDF
Size: 186.7 KB
Date: 28 Feb 2020

Prayer Square A4 Poster

Type: PDF
Size: 668.1 KB
Date: 2 Mar 2020