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Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

an old couple holding hands

The following links are intended to provide Salvationists and friends information on the topic of euthanasia.

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide Talk Sheet

Read the Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide talk sheet (PDF, 619KB)

Read the End of Life Choice (EOLC) Bill 2019 – A Simple Guide to Advocacy for this Bill (PDF, 429KB)

Euthanasia Resources

Material relating to the MP David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill (2017):

​Material relating to the 2016 Health Select Committee investigation in response to the petition of Maryann Street and 8974 others:

  • 16,000 Voices website, publishing some of the diverse opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide as presented to the 2016 Health Select Committee’s investigation in response to the petition of Maryann Street and 8974 others. Note: Includes shareable video content.
  • Every Life Research Unit’s analysis of submissions made to the 2016 Health Select Committee’s investigation.
  • Care Alliance analysis of submissions to the 2016 Health Select Committee investigation.
  • September 2016 news article on The Salvation Army’s presentation to the 2016 Health Select Committee’s investigation.

Other resources:

  • An audio file of the St John’s Public Issues Forum on Voluntary Euthanasia from 2011 that explores the ethical, medical, legal, social and spiritual issues at the heart of the debate over the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia:
    The Very Rev. John Murray is a member of the National Committee of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New Zealand.
    John Kleinsman is Director of The Nathaniel Centre (the NZ Catholic Bioethics Centre).
    Dr. Don Mathieson QC has been a Professor of Law at Victoria University of Wellington.
    Dr. Anne MacLennan is a specialist in palliative medicine.
    Geoff Annals is the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
  • The University of New South Wales Debating Society in association with Dying with Dignity NSW held a public debate on the motion: ‘That this house would legalise voluntary euthanasia’:Speaking for the motion: Dr. Sarah Edelman, Dying with Dignity NSW and Dr. Philip Nitschke, Exit International
    Speaking against the motion: Paul Russell, HOPE and Lyle Shelton, Australian Christian Lobby

    UNSW Debate Part 1 –  Dr Sarah Edelman (11:08)

    UNSW Debate Part 2  – Lyle Shelton (10:47)

    UNSW Debate Part 3  – Dr Philip Nitschke (15)

    UNSW Debate Part 4  – Paul Russell (11:14)

    UNSW debate Part 5  – Audience Feedback

  • A piece from the ‘New Law Journal’ responding to the Falconer Report in the UK, which endorsed legalising euthanasia in the UK:
  • A link to a series of clips from a Christian current affairs programme in Canada, featuring Dr. Margaret Somerville:
  • HOPE: Preventing Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide – a coalition of groups and individuals who oppose the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide:
  • Care not Killing is a UK-based alliance of individuals and organisations that brings together disability and human rights groups, healthcare providers, and faith-based bodies:
  • The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is a broad-based network opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide:
  • REALdignitytas is a forum for eminent Tasmanians to share their professional opinions on the harms and risks to individuals and society associated with removal of the legal prohibition on euthanasia and assisted suicide in the Australian state of Tasmania: 
  • Material relating to the MP David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill (2017) – Salvation Army Response to the bill